New issue of PRACE 1IP newsletter

The vision of PRACE is to enable and support European global leadership in public and private research and development. The  'Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe’, currently has 20 members, representing Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK. These partners are creating a pan-European world class computing and data management infrastructure, providing access to resources at the highest performance level including sophisticated services for scientific simulations in all fields of research and engineering.

The PRACE newsletter comes out four times per year. The Second issue of the PRACE 1IP newsletter brings:

  • Competitiveness and excellence in the European HPC ecosystem
  • The PRACE peer review process explained
  • PRACE announces third Tier-0 machine: a 3 Petafl op/s revolutionary “SuperMUC” at LRZ
  • PRACE Winter 2011 Programming School
  • Autumn School training material published
  • Europe goes HPC - Industrial competitiveness
  • Registration for DEISA PRACE Symposium 2011 has started
  • Presentations and pictures from SC10