Curriculum Vitae
Publications: - Papers |
Ana Vranić
Assistant Research Professor
PhD 2023, University of Belgrade
ana [dot] vranic [at] scl [dot] rs
- Born: 1993 in Čačak, Serbia
- Master student at SCL from November 2016 to September 2017
- PhD student at SCL since November 2017
- Advisor: Dr. Marija Mitrović Dankulov
Research Interests
- Statistical physics of complex systems
- Simulations of complex networks
- Collective phenomena in social systems
Selected Publications -
A. Vranic and M. Mitrovic Dankulov: "Growth Signals Determine the Topology of Evolving Networks", J. Stat. Mech.-Theory Exp. 13405, (2021).
A. Vranic, J. Vucicevic, J. Kokalj, J. Skolimowski, R. Zitko, J. Mravlje, and D. Tanaskovic: "Charge Transport in the Hubbard Model at High Temperatures: Triangular Versus Square Lattice", Phys. Rev. B 102, 115142 (2020).