Curriculum Vitae
Publications: - Papers - Proceedings |
Aleksandar Belić Research Professor PhD 1991, University of Illinois at Urbana aleksandar [dot] belic [at] scl [dot] rs
M. Zezelj, I. Stankovic and A. Belic:
"Study of Transistor Performance of Carbon Nanotube Networks" DPG 2012 Conference, 25-30 March 2012, Berlin, Germany (2012) Presentation DY 2.9
M. Zezelj, I. Stankovic and A. Belic:
"Investigation of Interplay Between Finite-size Scaling and Aspect Ratio in Continuum Percolating Networks" 8th Liquid Matter Conference, 6-10 September 2011, Vienna, Austria (2011) Poster P4.67
I. Stankovic, M. Zezelj and A. Belic:
"Aggregation Kinetics of Short-range Attractive Particles: Brownian Dynamics Simulations Vs. Smoluchowski Equation" 8th Liquid Matter Conference, 6-10 September 2011, Vienna, Austria (2011) Poster P8.55
A. Belic:
"Numerical Simulations of Complex Systems in Quantum and Classical Physics" SFKM-2011, 18-22 April 2011, p. 37, Belgrade, Serbia (2011)
M. Zezelj, I. Stankovic and A. Belic:
"Resistance in Percolating Quasi 1D and 2D Networks of Nanofibers" DPG 2011 Conference, 13-18 March 2011, Dresden, Germany (2011) Poster DY 40.17
D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, A. Belic, C. Kourkoumelis, D. Fassouliotis and S. Vourakis:
"Hybrid Pupil's Analysis Тооl for Interactions in ATLAS" MIPRO 2010, 24-28 May 2010, CE-46, p. 255-259, Opatia, Croatia (2010)
D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"QSPEEDUP: Quasi-MC Implementation of the SPEEDUP Path Integral Code" INFOTEH 2010, 17-19 March 2010 9 (2010) 73, A-15, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
V. Slavnic, A. Balaz, D. Stojiljkovic, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Optimization and Porting of the Path Integral Monte Carlo SPEEDUP Code to New Computing Architectures" Proceedings of the SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009, 09-10 December 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2009) 133 Presentation
V. Slavnic, B. Ackovic, D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz and A. Belic:
"Operational Grid Tools Developed at SCL" Proceedings of the SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009, 09-10 December 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2009) 117 Presentation
V. Slavnic, B. Ackovic, D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, A. Belic and M. Savic:
"Grid Site Monitoring Tools Developed and Used at SCL" Proceedings of the SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009, 09-10 December 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2009) 123 Presentation
V. Slavnic, A. Balaz, D. Stojiljkovic, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"SPEEDUP - Optimization and Porting of Path Integral MC Code to New Computing Architectures" Proceedings of the NEC'2009, 07-14 September 2009, p. 257-264, Varna, Bulgaria (2009)
D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, V. Slavnic and A. Belic:
"Serbian Participation in Grid Computing Projects" Proceedings of the NEC'2009, 07-14 September 2009, p. 286-293, Varna, Bulgaria (2009)
D. Vudragovic, V. Slavnic, A. Balaz and A. Belic:
"WMSMON - GLite WMS Monitoring Tool" MIPRO 2009, 25-29 May 2009, GSV-02, p. 239-243, Opatia, Croatia (2009)
D. Vudragovic, A. Balaz, V. Slavnic and A. Belic:
"Dwarf - the Framework for Authorized YUM/APT Repositories Management" INFOTEH 2009, 18-20 March 2009 (2009) 721, E-V-8, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
"Accelerated path-integral calculations via effective actions" PI07 Conference (2008) 86, Dresden, Germany
I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
"Systematic speedup of energy spectra calculations for many-body systems" PI07 Conference (2008) 92, Dresden, Germany
N. Svraka, A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Stability and Performance of the gLite Workload Management System", in Serbian INFOTEH (2007) Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
D. Arsenovic, S. B. Vrhovac, Z. M. Jaksic, Lj. Budinski-Petkovic and A. Belic:
"Simulation Study of Granular Compaction" XVII National Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM - 2007) (2007) 193-196, Vr?ac - Serbia
M. Mitrovic and A. Belic:
"Heuristic Algorithm for Determining Local Properties of Scale-free Networks" XVII National Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM - 2007) (2007) 181-184, Vr?ac - Serbia
I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
"Effective Actions for Path Integral Monte Carlo Calculations" XVII National Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM - 2007) (2007) 201, Vr?ac - Serbia
D. Stojiljkovic, A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
"Grid Approach to Path Integral Monte Carlo Calculations" 6th INDEL Symposium (2006) 298-301, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
N. Svraka, A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"GLite Workload Performance Measurements" 6th INDEL Symposium (2006) 294-297, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
"Path Integrals and Euler Summation Formula" Lie Thory and its Applications in Physics (2006) 205-210, Sophia, Bulgaria
A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
"The Use of Path Integral Ideals: Deriving the Euler Summation Formula for Path Integrals" AIP Conf. Proc. 826 (2006) 320 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on p-Adic Mathematical Physics doi: 10.1063/1.2193134
A. Bogojevic, A. Balaz and A. Belic:
"Euler Summation Formula for Path Integrals" Balkan workshop (2006) Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia
D. Arsenovic, S. B. Vrhovac, Z. M. Jaksic, Lj. Budinski-Petkovic and A. Belic:
"Simulation Study of Granular Compaction Dynamics Under Vertical Tapping" VIII Yugoslav Materials Research Society Conference (YUCOMAT - 2006) (2006) 102, Herceg Novi, Serbia and Montenegro
A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
"SPEEDUP: a New High Performance Path Integral Monte Carlo Code" MIPRO 2005 1 (2005) 243
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Gaussian Halving of Path Integrals", in Serbian 11th Congress of Physicists of Serbia and Montenegro 5 (2004) 169
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Linearized Gaussian Halving", in Serbian 11th Congress of Physicists of Serbia and Montenegro 5 (2004) 173
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Path Integrals Without Integrals", in Serbian 11th Congress of Physicists of Serbia and Montenegro 5 (2004) 177
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Recursive Speed-up of Path Integral Calculations" SFIN A2 (2002) 277 Proceedings of the 12th Yugoslav Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics - YUNFEC 2001
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Recursive Speed-up in Partition Function Evaluation" MIPRO 2005 7 (2002)
S. B. Vrhovac, D. Arsenovic and A. Belic:
"The Physics and Industrial Research of Granular Materials" Applied Physics in Serbia (2002) 117 - 120 Contributed papers, eds., S. Koicki, N. Konjevic and Dj. Bek-Uzarov
S. B. Vrhovac, D. Arsenovic and A. Belic:
"Transport Theory of Granular Swarms" XV National Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM - 2001) (2001) 269 SFIN - 2002
S. B. Vrhovac, D. Arsenovic and A. Belic:
"Teorija transporta granularnih rojeva", in Serbian XV National Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM - 2001) (2001)
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Scaling and Universality of Gravitational Condensation" 10th Congress of Physicsists of Yugoslavia 2 (2000) 953
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Efficient Monte Carlo Method for the Calculation of Path Integrals", in Serbian 10th Congress of Physicsists of Yugoslavia 2 (2000) 843
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"A New Model for the Origin of Planets", in Serbian 10th Congress of Physicsists of Yugoslavia 2 (2000) 899
A. Balaz, A. Belic and A. Bogojevic:
"Improved Gaussian Approximation" SFIN A2 (1998) 297 Proceedings of the 11th Yugoslav Symposium on Nuclear and Particle Physics - YUNFEC 1998